Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shake it! :D

I really want a new camera..
Digital SLR sounds really nice..
I dont know what kind to get though..
I found a puppy in the middle of the road yesterday..
I am now taking care if it..
Her name is Myokie..
I'll take pictures of her soon..
Summer is going by too quickly..
I want a new camera....
NOW, lol!
I like writing stuff here much better than myspace..
Makes it more personal I guess :]
Forth of July is comming soon! :3



At July 2, 2008 at 7:18 PM, Blogger tiedyeparadise said...

Hurry and get those pics of Myokie! And I hope you get your new camera soon. That sounds so cool! I wish I had a better camera... mine's all crappy. My brother's friend dropped it. Urg!!

At July 2, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Blogger tiedyeparadise said...

Sorry for posting so many times. It's Sunny again. But I just wanted to know why you're going to Canada. Is it for school? Or is it just a trip?
Is your school very hard? I could understand on your one post that it's hard to keep up with writing when homework is abundant. I don't really know about that experience because I'm not even out of middle school yet. Do you go to college or high school? I think I'd better just look at your profile to answer my annoying questions.

Oh, and thanks for looking at my blog. It was really nice of you. If you want, I'll look at yours all the time because it's the only one that interests me. :)

And (sorry! I just want to know more about you!) are you from the U.S.A or somewhere else? 700 miles is a looooong way to go to get to Canada! It wouldn't take me too long because we live in Idaho.

Wow. I hope I'm not pestering you too much. I generally don't ask this many questions... I'm being curious today.

Well, thank you for your time. I think I took a lot of it.

At July 2, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Blogger tiedyeparadise said...

Oh, you DO live in the U.S.! What a ridiculous question. I really should've just looked at your profile sooner... And I didn't do the math very well, because if you lived in a different continent, Canada would be THOUSANDS of miles away! How ridiculously stupid of me...
You live in Texas. That's not TOO far away from here.... Okay, it's really far.

I'm really bad at math. Please don't make fun if you were thinking of doing so.

Gosh... your blog is really cool. I like how you write. And also I like the names you give your posts. "Would you fall from the star" is cool, so is "From the mind of an individual".

I think you are pretty unique, Colleen. (Your name's Colleen, right?)


Uh, sorry, one more eensy-weensy thing. My mommy advertised on her very popular blog about my, um, not so famous one. That was how I got people to look at it. I think your blog ROCKS!!!, so I hope you don't mind if I write a post that tells the viewers to look at yours. Deal? Deal.

I really had better stop writing now.

At July 2, 2008 at 7:55 PM, Blogger tiedyeparadise said...

Do you prefer to be called Blossom or your real name?


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